What has happened?
If we focus on the site of the additional stop codon (site 439) we find a T in our isolate sequence. In our defined alleles (the ones we downloaded from pubMLST) there is a C in this position. This means that the isolate sequence codes for a stop codon (TAA) instead of an amino acid (CAA). This amino acid would have been glutamine.
The change from C to T at site 439 is indicated by the black arrow in the images below. This is a point mutation leading to an internal stop codon.
What does this mean for a bacterium?
In a bacterium the protein machinery would stop once it reaches the internal stop codon. As it is not far through the gene, the protein would unlikely be functional. In vivo testing could confirm this.
What would a curator do?
A curator would make an allele for the full yellow sequence and note it has internal stop codons.